Dental Fillings in Brooklyn, NYC

woman sipping soda | dental fillings brooklynDental decay is one of the most common conditions kids, and adults face. According to the Centers and Disease Control (CDC), 90 percent of adults over the age of 20 have had at least one cavity, while one in four adults over age 20 currently has tooth decay.  

Decay occurs when bacteria from food and drinks collect on our teeth. As a result, the bacteria create an acidic environment that erodes tooth enamel and develops decay or a cavity. 

Many adults today walk around with dark fillings. Silver amalgam was the only option for many years, making people’s teeth look gray. Fortunately, modern dentistry has resolved this aesthetic problem using composite fillings that match the natural color of teeth. 

Leaf Dental provides attractive tooth-colored fillings to treat cavities and restore your smile to its former glory.

How Dental Fillings in Brooklyn Work 

If your Brooklyn dentist identifies tooth decay, they will inform you immediately so we can treat it as quickly as possible before it progresses. When you come in for your filling appointment, our team will welcome you and help you feel comfortable and relaxed before the treatment. We offer scented towelettes, bottled water, and blankets to create a more pleasant experience.  

First, your dentist will numb your tooth and gently remove the bacteria and decay. The dentist then prepares the tooth for the filling by etching the tooth’s surface, which ensures the composite bonds directly to the tooth. Because composite is micro-mechanically bonded, it doesn’t require significant tooth reshaping like silver fillings. Composite fillings preserve and maximize the strength of healthy tooth structure. 

After reshaping the tooth, your dentist in Brooklyn applies the composite in layers and cures them with a special light to harden the material thoroughly. This step essentially rebuilds the tooth’s structure and ensures it’s once again functional and fortified. When the composite layers harden, your dentist shapes and polishes the tooth to a shine so it seamlessly blends in with your smile. 

Composite Dental Bonding in Brooklyn

Tooth-colored composite is a versatile material we use for fillings and tooth repair. If you have a small chip or cosmetic flaw in your smile, we can use dental bonding in Brooklyn to repair and reshape the tooth. Dental bonding can also close gaps between teeth and improve the appearance of tooth discoloration. 

Benefits of Tooth-Colored Fillings 

Tooth-colored fillings have numerous advantages, especially compared to silver amalgam fillings: family of three hugging | dental fillings brooklyn

  • Aesthetically Appealing
  • Mercury-Free and Metal-Free  
  • Made from Non-Toxic Composite Resin  
  • Preserves Healthy Tooth Structure 
  • Long-Lasting 
  • Resistant to Temperature Changes 
  • Versatility in Tooth Repair and Restoration 

A tooth-colored filling is a safe, effective treatment for tooth decay that maintains your smile’s aesthetics. 

Call Our Dental Office in Downtown Brooklyn for an Evaluation 

Are you considering replacing old, dark fillings? Or do you suspect you have a cavity? Please call our Brooklyn dental office for a professional evaluation. Our dentists can diagnose your conditions, explain your options, and ensure you achieve your smile goals for optimal oral health and beauty. 

Our Leaf Dental team looks forward to welcoming you!